Sunday, March 1, 2009

My first post

After creating the blog, I have waited too long to write this first port. Let's start with the definition of the name that has been given to the blog.

Wikipedia ( lists the meaning of Metaphysics as "Metaphysics investigates principles of reality transcending those of any particular science. Cosmology and ontology are traditional branches of metaphysics. It is concerned with explaining the ultimate nature of being and the world."

From the looks of it, we don't see anything practical about it. Right? Well that's the thing that was going on in my mind for quite some time. Even if we gather the information about beginning of this universe, how are we going to use it in our day-to-day life. Any knowledge that does not help improve our lives would not be considered helpful.

The (ideal) ultimate goal of every human being to be happy and off course happier tomorrow. All the knowledge that can make us happy can be termed as "practical". It helps us in bridging the gap between "where we are" and "where we want to be".

In my subsequent posts I would be taking this thread further, "Can we get any practical help from philosophy and metaphysics in particular?". Let's see how it turns out.